After-School Programs
During the school year, Friends of SoZo Kids helps provide volunteers to staff after-school programs Mondays-Wednesdays at their two locations. |
Summer Program at Forest Lakes Park - Daytime
For six weeks in June and July Friends of SoZo Kids provides volunteers to staff this summer program. |
Camp SoZo - Overnight
For six weeks in June and July, Camp SoZo provides a fun overnight getaway for Forest children. |
Career/Education Award Program
Friends of SoZo Kids launched a unique Scholarship Program for qualifying SoZo Kids seeking post secondary education paths. |
Annual Undies and Sneakers Drive
It’s hard enough being poor without the indignity of not having clean underwear or new shoes. |
Back-to-School Bash
Our traditional Back-to-school Bash is the culmination of our spring and summer collection efforts. |
Foster Kid Care Kits
The Help Agency of the Forest Inc. assists the county when children in the Forest are suddenly placed into foster care. |
Christmas Angels Project
Friends of SoZo Kids helps ensure that all the kids in the Forest have a happy holiday and receive a gift. |
Holiday Meals
We award grants to the Help Agency to provide Thanksgiving turkeys and Christmas hams for families of the SoZo Kids we serve. |